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  • 25 Sales Coaching Opportunities You Might Miss Out

In the fast-paced working world today, we want to achieve results in no time. Staff who are slow, indecisive, and weak are seen as incompetent. If we think deeper, we were probably like them when we started a new job, a new role, or a new environment. It's easier to give direction and orders and get things done quick. But, we have good leaders who give us the opportunity, space to learn for becoming better at what to we do. Great sales leaders know this secrets of success in business continuity.

Have you missed out some good opportunities to coach and develop your salespeople?

Here are some good situations to coach and develop them:

  1. 1
    Performance review meetings
  2. 2
    Personal development sessions
  3. 3
    Work in progress update conversations
  4. 4
    Small group meetings
  5. 5
    When they succeed or make a breakthrough in sales achievements
  6. 6
    When they show the right sales behaviours and actions
  7. 7
    When they help and support others to succeed
  8. 8
    When they are stuck with difficult situations
  9. 9
    When they are behind schedule meeting the sales target
  10. 10
    When they show declining or inconsistent sales performance
  11. 11
    When they ask you for guidance or ideas to solve an issue
  12. 12
    When they show low confidence in dealing with difficult customers
  13. 13
    When they are fearful of managing complex tasks
  14. 14
    When they are giving up or lost of fighting spirit or hope
  15. 15
    When they hesitate to make decisions
  16. 16
    When they blame people, things or situations for their failure
  17. 17
    When they are exhausted and overwhelmed with the workload
  18. 18
    When they dwell too much on low impact sales tasks and activities
  19. 19
    When they keep repeating the same mistake
  20. 20
    When they are having role-playing practice for sales calls
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    When they get stuck with a sales presentation or closing the sale
  22. 22
    When they don't prepare well before meeting a customer
  23. 23
    When they constantly miss the sales reports submission
  24. 24
    When you work with them in the field
  25. 25
    When you need them show commitment to complete a task

and many more.

You’ll notice that coaching is not everything about correcting their mistakes. It is also conversations of recognising right thinking, behaviours, actions and help them build repeated successes. Catching them do the right things is equally important as helping them correct their mistakes.

How many of these coaching opportunities you might miss?

About the Author

Simon is the ICF-Professional Certified Coach (PCC), Certified Trainer, Facilitator, Coach Trainer, and Food Service Specialist. He specialises in business selling, leadership development, and coaching culture building.

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