curriculum for salesforce


What Causing You LOST to the Sales Deals?

Customer & Market

Not doing enough 'homework' and customer CANNOT SEE how your products solve their problems

Advisory & Problem Solving Skills

Not showing enough real solid and practical total solutions for solving customer's COMPLEX issues

Buying Decision
& Preference

The customer has CHANGED the buying preference and consider other buying options in their decisions 

High Level
Decision Makers

Dealing with the WRONG decision maker and find it hard to get access to the high-level decision-makers

Limiting Belief

Find it TOUGH to stay focused, motivated, and not strong enough to bounce back when facing hard times.

Support for
Team Selling

Work in SILO and fail to gain support from fellow teammates to provide bigger values to the customer


Selling Is Getting TOUGHER in Today's Complex World

Skills training or motivation session alone won't do the magic.

A wholesome, highly customised and on-going learning focused
sales and business learning program will increase your success in business.

Salesforce Development Journey


SDJ is a complete learning development guide for Sales Professionals & Managers


Join our Sales Development Program. Master these two competency clusters in SDJ and grow your business smartly:

  • Sales Mastery
  • Business Mastery

Series of Sales Development Program

Choose Stand-alone or Blended programs:

Standards Assessment

Find out your selling skills and sales competency gaps 

Selling Mastery

Learn to articulate value and close sales effectively

Account Mastery

Learn to strategise, develop, and grow your business

Reframe Rejuvenate

Discover new perspectives and motivation do things differently

Into Action

Turn sales strategy into execution excellence 

Sales Coaching
Group or Individual

Group learning or field coaching to enhance selling skills
